Baby Elephant Fought and Survived 14 Hungry Lions' Attack

On a good day, It would seem as if a 1-year-old elephant would have no chance after becoming surrounded by 14 hungry lions. But not all baby elephants are of the same mettle, perhaps, and at least one young Elephant is deserving of its valiant new nickname: Hercules. That would be the little elephant in the accompanying video footage in this post. According to the New York Post, this little Elephant had strayed from its mother and their herd but was able to fend off the lions and ultimately return back to the herd. It's definitely because of issues like this that the adult Elephants usually put the little ones in the middle of their herd.

Baby Elephant Attacked by 14 Lions
Baby Elephant fend off 14 hungry Lions in Zambia
This video was uploaded on Tuesday and you might find parts of the footage very difficult to watch, as lions can be seen using their extremely sharp claws to climb onto the back of the elephant. But the footage, captured by a team of journalists at the Norman Carr Safaris Chinzombo Camp in Zambia, also shows the elephant turning the tide periodically by false-charging the lions to keep them at bay.

Baby Elephant vs14 hungry Lions in Zambia
Baby Elephant vs 14 hungry Lions in Zambia

The elephant, which probably learned some valuable lessons during the harrowing encounter, can be seen using the water to its own advantage. But it makes at least one painful mistake by becoming emboldened and exiting the water, only to be attacked anew.

In the 30-plus years that I have been a safari guide in Zambia at the Luangwe Park, never have I seen anything like this,” said a guide named Innocent, who was with the group. “We were all so worried the baby elephant would be killed right before us.

Instead, the feisty mammal attained at least a small measure of fame, and a new moniker befitting only the brave and strong.We’ve named the little fella Hercules,” Innocent said. “What a fighter.
Here is the video below, watch it yourself. What can you say about this strong Baby Elephant ?

SOURCE -  Grind TV


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